So, I determined that weekends is where I'll build or paint things that have no bearing on what I actually want to get done.
On Saturday I built:
5 Chaos Terminators
5 Chaos Raptors (old 2nd ed ones that I can't wait to paint)
5 Chaos Marines to fill out an existing 5 man squad
5 Robed Dark Angels to fill out an existing squad
Various Dark Elf Cold ones
I tried to get a Warmachine game in with the Retribution that I painted this last week, but it was packed and I bailed after waiting for 2 hours. By the way, how the hell does a 15 point game last 2 hours?
New Weekly Project: Warriors of Chaos
I may be overstretching myself, but the plan is:
1. 24 Nurgle Warriors with Halberds and Shields
2. 20 Warhounds
3. 24 Tzeentch Warriors with Swords and Shields.
Everything is built and based, it's all about slapping down paint now!